Both sizes of the M1 iPad Pro that came out in 2021 are incredible devices. I’ve owned the 11” and the 12.9” and have been happy with both. I’ve also found that they both have strengths and weaknesses that will dictate which size is best for you. In this article, we’ll discuss each size’s strengths and weaknesses, and which size might be the best choice for you. When it comes to mobility. 

Physical Comparison

The only difference to note physical is the size. If you were to hold them up side by side, the iPads would look identical. The only difference you’ll see aesthetically is that the 12.9” is notably larger than the 11”. The 12.9” iPad is also a little heavier than the 11. The 12.9” weighs in at 1.5 pounds while the 11” is slightly less at 1.3 pounds. 

Battery Difference

The first difference under the hood that we’ll discuss is the battery size. The 11” iPad’s batter operates at 7538 mAh while the 12.9” battery operates at 9720 mAh. That is a decent size when it comes to battery life. I found after using both sizes that they both do an amazing job with battery. Both iPads were able to easily last all day long, and I didn’t notice any major decrease in performance from the 11”. 


The biggest pro for using the 11” is mobility. I found myself not taking the larger iPad with me very often because it was just so large. It’s big, it’s heavy, and it’s a lot to carry around in general. You could, in theory, carry around a laptop that isn’t as heavy as the 12.9” iPad. If mobility is a large factor for you, the 11” might be the way to go. I will say though, that as a photographer, the 12.9” is an incredible asset. It is a pleasure to edit and view photos on such a large spacious display. Again, as you’re reading these differences, decide what matters the most to you in a tablet and make your decisions accordingly. If a large screen for photography is more important for you than having a more mobile device, you might opt for the 12.9”, or vice versa. 


If you’re considering getting a keyboard case for your iPad, and I highly recommend that you do, then the size of your iPad will determine the size and feel of your keyboard. You can see the differences of keyboards between the two sizes in the screenshot below.

The 12.9” iPad has a full, natural keyboard that I really enjoy using. The 11” however, has a much more compressed keyboard. It still has the same keys that the larger iPad has, but all of the keys are just a little smaller. I found that typing on the 11” keyboard just isn’t as great of an experience as it is typing on the full 12.9” keyboard. The 11” keyboard does take up much less space though.


As far as configurable specs go, both sizes of the iPad offer the same thing. Things like the amount of storage and the data options are both exactly the same for each iPad. 

Which Size Do I Prefer

This is a tricky question. I really did enjoy both sizes of the iPad, and I liked each for some situations more than the other. When I was out taking pictures I wanted the 12.9” for sure. When I was just in town, maybe going to a coffee shop, the mobility of the 11” made things a lot less of a hassle for me. The larger iPad was pretty top heavy when I tried to use it on my lap with the keyboard. The 11” performed a bit better there as well. I also used to prefer the biggest possible iPad just because I wanted the best version of what Apple made. In moving to the 11” for a while though, I realized that I didn’t really notice the size difference too much. For me, the choice comes down to the quality of the display which will talk about in the next section.

Display Comparison

Apple decided to upgrade the display in the 12.9” iPad. It now comes with the same MiniLED display that Apple’s very expensive Pro XDR display has. This is a pretty cool addition that sets the 12.9” apart from the 11” a little in terms of pro features. In the comparison video that this article is based on, I compared the screens of both iPads side by side and discussed the major differences. If you want to watch the full display comparison, check out this video on the State of Tech YouTube channel: 

The conclusion I came to after looking at both of these displays is that the displays look very similar. I honestly did not see much of a difference when I compared the two.

This is a good thing if you were considering the 11” but were worried about the screen quality. Apple has done an amazing job making the displays on both sizes look absolutely amazing. The colors are clear, it’s incredibly sharp and detailed, and the viewing angle is fantastic. As a photo editor,  I need the best possible display to be able to accurately edit my images. With this said, I would be happy to edit photos on either size. The displays are just fantastic. Obviously, the larger screen on the 12.9” is fun, but the quality isn’t any better than the 11”, in my opinion. 

Final Recommendations

After comparing the two iPad’s quite thoroughly, I can honestly recommend either size to you. My advice is to buy the iPad that’s going to be the most practical for the things you’ll be using it for. Think about what’s the most important for you and purchase the iPad that most closely fits that. You can check out both iPads here:

If you’re interested in more iPad related content, check out these videos on the State of Tech YouTube channel: