PageMeUp, a brand new app for Mac users, was created with graphic & web designers in mind. PageMeUp is perfect for laying out documents such as magazines, flyers, business cards, posters, and more! PageMeUp also allows web designers to easily create and manipulate a website without the need of another application.

pagemeup_screenshot_ALaying out documents inside of PageMeUp is a breeze! From the Inspector on the right hand side of the screen you can set up your work area for the document you’d like to create. You can select some standard document sizes like business cards or a standard piece of paper. From there you can even set up margins and borders that you’d like to appear for ease of use. From there all you have to do is being entering in your text with the Text Box at the top of the screen and drag-and-drop images from your desktop or Finder menu. You can crop and scale images using the crop feature in the Inspector on the right. Holding Shift while scaling an image with scale it proportionally while holding Command with scale the mask alone. Once you have your document all laid out you can export it with industry standard ICC Color Profiles as well as high quality print-ready formats!

pagemeup_screenshot_BIf creating a website is more your site then PageMeUp has got you covered. Just as with graphic design, you’ll need to set up your document using the Inspector on the right side of the screen. There are some options that you’ll want to pay more attention to in the Inspector such as HTML links, rollover options, page headers, file downloads, hyperlinks, and more. These will all be found in the Inspector on the right hand side. Add in all of your text and images that you’d like for your page and that’s it. Simple as that. If you want to change the hierarchy of the site you can do so in the HTML menu on the left hand side of the screen. In the HTML menu you can create new pages as well as change the order of the ones you’ve created. Once your site is complete you can export them as HTML files and upload them to your web server for everyone to see. You can even see a live preview before you publish you site once you export the HTML files!

PageMeUp is going to be your one-stop-shop for all of your graphic and web design needs. PageMeUp has been designed to work on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or higher and it even takes advantage of Full-Screen editing! Pick it up today for an amazing price of only $9.99!

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