If you find that the S9 is too tall to reach the notification panel with ease then you’re not alone. Samsung has added in the ability to use the fingerprint sensor to toggle the notification panel without touching the main display. In this video, I’ll show you how to access the notification panel with the fingerprint sensor.

I’m going to show you how to use finger sensor gestures on your Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus. Swipe down your notification panel. Come into your settings. What we’re going to do is come into Advanced Features. Now what we’re looking for is our finger sensor gestures, which is at the top portion of the screen. Tapping in there, I can see that what this is going to allow me to do is swipe up or down on the fingerprint sensor to open or close the notification panel. This function is paused when the sensor is actively detecting your fingerprint. If we’re using our fingerprint to unlock our device, it’s not going to work. Or if we’re using our fingerprint to unlock an application, it’s not going to work. But in any other circumstance, it’s going to.

Now all I have to do now is swipe down on my fingerprint scanner, and I’m actually opening up my notification panel. I can even go one more step and bring down my quick settings. Then I can swipe up, and it closes the entire thing. You’ll notice that this is not something I can do from inside the application itself. If I want to do it regularly, I have to actually swipe down from the top edge of the screen and then keep pulling down or swipe down again to bring up my quick settings.

Now, I like having this quick access with the finger sensor. It is a little bit tricky to get used to. You kind of have to just use the fingerprint sensor itself. Sometimes I do accidentally swipe onto the bottom camera on my S9 Plus. You will need to keep that in mind. It does give you some accidental touchage on your camera, so it could end up with some smudgy fingerprints on the camera sensor itself. Keep that in mind. But I do find this useful. I’m glad that it’s there. Especially being of the fact that the fingerprint sensor is located more in the middle of the screen. It gives me some access to quickly get into my notification panel. Especially considering that this is such a tall device. It gives me that nice quick access without actually having to use two hands to navigate around on my phone.

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Make sure to check out our otherĀ Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ Quick Tip Videos.